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Part of the Community, Part of the Solution

​​​​The Mission of the Skagit Conservation District

To bring voluntary, incentive-based natural resource solutions to the citizens of Skagit County and beyond by providing technical, financial, and educational resources.


SCD staff works with private partners, local, state, and federal government, agricultural and environmental organizations, and other conservation districts. The SCD is funded through grants, an annual native plant sale, and state general fund money requiring a dollar-for-dollar match.

Providing natural resource support and education to Skagit county since 1942​​

Our History

What is a Conservation District?

After the Dust Bowl in the 1930’s, there was a national recognition of the need to conserve our natural resources. To combat the erosion crisis a bill to establish a permanent agency for soils passed unanimously. Letters were sent across the US urging governors to create soil districts locally. It was understood that they needed people who knew the land, the local concerns and the famers needs to be successful. States committed to Hugh Hammond Bennet’s vision of restoring our countries farmland and the number of Districts grew, now resting at over 3,000.

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1952 March 27 Mtg of Brd Supervisors.jpg

W-742-9. 3/27/52. Supervisors of Skagit Soil Conservation District. Left to right --Jess Knutzen, Director of the State Association; Albert Gerriets, Vice Chairman; James T. Ovenell, Chairman; W. James Wylie, Secretary-Treasurer; and W. E. Jennings, member.  Photo by A. F. Harms

The Skagit Conservation District has served the county since 1942. We have a reputation for putting conservation on the ground, meeting the current needs of our people, while planning for future generations. Our programs reduce soil erosion, help dairies achieve nutrient management standards, enhance wildlife habitat, establish riparian zones, assist in shellfish protection, and educate local citizens about our watersheds.

Annual Reports & Plans

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