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Technical Assistance

Managing forest ecosystems can be challenging and complex. The District provides assistance on a voluntary non regulatory basis. Consultations are available through site visits, web conferencing, and over the phone to determine what specific needs and concerns you have with your forest resources.


Below are expandable lists with additional topics covered by forestry assistance. For additional information on the topics below contact the District forester (360) 899-8061 or by email at:​

  • Washington Integrated Forest Management Plan

  • Forest Certification

  • Forest Legacy Planning

Forest Management Planning

  • Washington Integrated Forest Management Plan

  • Forest Certification

  • Forest Legacy Planning

An "entering Skagit Coutny" sign beside a single lane highway through a forest of bigleaf maple trees whose leaves are starting to turn yellow and fall..

Non-Timber Forest Products

  • Mushrooms

  • Holiday/Floral Greens

  • Maple Syrup

  • Fruits and Nuts

  • Medicinal Herbs

  • Fowl and Game

a closeup of the branch of a madrona  tree with unripe green fruit

Financial Assistance


In order to meet all the requirements for a given funding entity we encourage landowners to schedule an initial site visit as soon as possible to determine the most appropriate agency and funding program. Many grants and cost-share programs are competitive, so we strongly encourage starting the process of seeking cost-share with a new or updated plan. In some cases, the District can facilitate landowner or operator implementation directly, in other cases we provide a technical assistance memo or an advanced resource management plan to ensure you have necessary the details and eligibility aligned to the funder requirements.

   Conservation District:

  • BMP Implementation


   County Assessor: Current Use Program

  • Designated Forestland

  • Open Space

Outreach and Education

​Our forestry outreach utilizes a variety of media, including our District E-Newsletter, online calendar of forestry related events, a catalog of local, regional, state, national, and international forestry educational organizations and resources. We also provide or participate in online and or in person workshops, presentations, for a variety of topics of interest to forestland owners, agency partners, and non-governmental organizations.


Engaging Communities in Forestry Education


Skagit CD Forestry Education Catalog


WSU Extension Forestry Puget Sound Region


WSU Forest Health Watch

A close up showing the bark of a large Douglas Fir and Western Red Cedar
A map of Washington in 3 different views.

Web Tools and Resources

​​Skagit Wildfire Web App

Planning and assessment tool of past, present, and future wildfire conditions, with current local, state, federal data sources.


Tree Seedzone Web App

Planning and assessment tool of historical, current, and provisional seed zones for common pacific northwest tree species from state and federal data. 


USGS EarthExplorer

Comprehensive source of historical aerial imagery, searchable by selected area and image acquisition program


WSU Silviculture Contractor and Consulting Forester Directory


WSU Small Scale Mill Directory


WA Contract Logger Association Master Logger Certified Contractor Directory


WA DNR Monthly Survey Prices for 'Delivered Logs'


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